Geneva’s Hometown Chiropractor

708 W. Maple Ave

Geneva, AL

Our Services

How We Treat


Activator Method, Thompson Drop Table, Gonstead Technique, Diversified Full Spine, Atlas Orthogonal, Flexion Distraction, Diversified, Cranial, Logan Basic, Arthrostim - instrument

What We Treat


Neck Pain, Back Pain, Headaches, Joint Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Degenerative Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Whiplash, Sciatica, Postural Issues, Sports Injuries, Pinched Nerves, and More…

Who We Treat

What ages:

We treat all ages from newborns to centurions and everybody in between. Whether this is your first time or you’ve had multiple surgeries, as long as you have a spine we will be glad to help.

Call Now To Stop Your Pain

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Meet Our Doctor

Dr. Saunders was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. He went to undergrad at the University of Central Florida in Orlando and did his graduate studies at Life Univeristy in Marietta, GA. He is married, has two children, and has lived in the wiregrass since 2013.

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